Aug 11 Changelog: Groups within Team Workspaces

For the month of August, we present: groups within team workspaces + a time-saving hack you can do with this new update! ⏰

Create groups inside a team workspace

Think of groups as private homes inside a big complex. Now, members can be segmented into their own little bubbles and be grouped according to their function inside the organization: Marketing, Design, Department of the ~Vibes, etc. How 🆒 is that?

  1. On the left side of the dashboard, click on Teams > Manage Groups > Groups. Workspace admins should see a "Create a Group" button.
  2. Type down the Group name and add the necessary members.

Scheduling shortcut: search for your group

Now that we've announced groups on Meetbit, it's obligatory for us to add this time-saver of a feature too.

  1. Create a meeting link or meeting with group members in a matter of seconds by searching for their group name upon booking a meeting (works with both Direct Schedule and Meeting Link options).
  2. Meetbit will automatically include all members in the meeting link. Voila, team meeting arranged in seconds.